A specialized area in Washington real estate litigation is handling what are known as “timber trespass” cases. Timber trespass refers to the unauthorized cutting, removal, or damage to trees on someone else's property. In Washington, where the timber industry plays a significant economic role, timber trespass cases can have serious legal and financial implications for both landowners and logging companies.
Our real estate litigators who see this issue often are well-versed in the state and local laws and regulations governing timber trespass. They can assess whether a trespass occurred, evaluate the extent of damage, and work to identify responsible parties. Our litigators will discuss the strengths and weaknesses in pursuing or defending such a claim and provide an upfront assessment to our clients.
Practice Team
James G. Fick
Equity Partner
Charles A. Lyman
Equity Partner
Colleen A. Lovejoy
Equity Partner
Brian C. Nadler

News & Insights
A look at the legal landscape
Easements on the Move
A New Washington Law Allows Servient Estate Owners to Move Burdensome and Inconvenient Easements.
The Kids Are Alright
SFF Attorneys volunteer at AMTA mock trial event.